Sustainable Network for agrofood loss and waste prevention, management, quantification and valorisation
FoodWaStop COST Action CA22134
The FoodWaStop COST, is a scientific cooperation network, “CA22134 – Sustainable Network for agrofood loss and waste prevention (FLW), management, quantification and valorisation » funded by COST ACTION programme that addresses the following challenges and aims to: (i) build an interdisciplinary and multi-actor European Network that will also connect with non-EU Mediterranean countries, to promote knowledge on FLW beyond the state of the art; (ii) determine incidence of FLW in the critical points of the fruit and vegetable value chain; (iii) foster technological innovations and sustainable management strategies to reduce and prevent FLW; and (iv) valorise agrofood waste to promote a circular bio-economy.
The experience of the Coordinators and Participants gained from other related projects (e.g., PRIMA, H2020), the background from diverse EU and extra-EU countries, and the involvement of stakeholders and industry partners will contribute to increase awareness of this problem, to determine its incidence, to seek strategies for its management through exploitation of the potential of innovative technologies, and to define good practices to prevent FLW.
The FoodWaStop Network will provide benefits to various stakeholders and end-users, including all actors in the agrofood value chain, from farmers (Farm) to consumers (Fork). Moreover, FoodWaStop will create a knowledge platform that will promote innovation, deliver guidelines, and favour dialogue with policymakers, to focus their attention on the social and economic implications of FLW.
The FoodWaStop conference is organized within the framework of COST ACTION “CA22134 – Sustainable Network for agrofood loss and waste prevention, management, quantification and valorisation” funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) and European Union. This is the second edition of FoodWaStop conference. The first gathering was held in Ancona (Italy) in 2024, and brought together more than 150 international experts in FLW, in its different dimensions, from postharvest science, smart solutions, food and loss quantification methodologies, prevention and reduction strategies, up-cycling and valorisation technologies, food logistics, predictive modelling, etc.
The second edition will be held in Córdoba (Spain) in 2025, which will be a pivotal moment in the field for Food Waste and Loss. The conference will be the arena of the latest advances in the area, inviting outstanding keynote speakers, developing dedicated workshops, and engaging interactions and synergies between different scientific areas, countries, cultures and scientific communities with relevance in Food Waste and Loss.
For further details, please visit the conference website: FoodWaStop Conference – MicroHibro

The main objective of the FoodWaStop CONFERENCE is to bring together scientists and other relevant stakeholders, industry, associations and governments, to explore and discuss solutions for mitigating and reducing Food Waste and Loss along the food supply chain. The main topics of the conference include:
- Prevention of food loss and food waste
- Agrofood loss and waste management
- Quantification of food loss and food waste
- Valorisation of agrofood waste and a circular bio-economy
- Cross-cutting strategies and smart systems for food management
The conference will be opened to other existing International and National scientific and technological initiatives, projects and research groups working on Food Waste and Loss reduction and prevention.